Chinese Patent Granted
INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC MOTOR SOLUTIONS Pty Ltd has been granted People’s Republic of China patent protection
INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC MOTOR SOLUTIONS Pty Ltd has been granted People’s Republic of China patent protection
INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC MOTOR SOLUTIONS Pty Ltd has been granted EU – European patent protection
INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC MOTOR SOLUTIONS Pty Ltd has been granted US – United States of America patent protection
Australian researchers have used novel magnetic materials to design and build small motors with energy efficiencies of up to 90%, compared to 60-70% for conventional designs.
Associate Professor Nesimi Ertugrul from the University of Adelaide – School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The Directors are pleased to announce the collaboration efforts of Intelligent Electric Motor Solutions Pty Ltd and The University of Adelaide
Intelligent Electric Motor Solutions Pty Ltd has applied for its third patent under the governance of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Intelligent Electric Motor Solutions Pty Ltd has been successful in being granted
With regret the Directors of Intelligent Electric Motor Solutions Pty Ltd note the passing